Preface - using this documentation

There are three ways to use this document.

Reading it

First, you can just read it. Booooring.

Running it locally

Second, you can clone it to your local computer with:

git clone

and run it there. You’ll also need to have Python 3.5 and specific versions of khmer and some other software installed – we suggest you create a virtualenv and install those software packages like so:

cd ./zaok/
python3.5 -m virtualenv zaok_env
source zaok_env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, you can run:

jupyter notebook &

Running it in a binder on mybinder

Third, you can take advantage of mybinder and run it there, by clicking:

Building the full documentation yourself

The documentation source (reStructuredText + Jupyter Notebooks) is in the GitHub repository is

To build it all, you’ll need to install sphinx, as well as the stuff in requirements.txt.

Then run:

make html

and look in _build/html/ for the output.

The GitHub pages site hosted at is in the gh-pages/ branch at (We do it this way to avoid having to switch branches to update the docs.)

Jupyter Notebook quickstart

Shift-ENTER will execute a cell.

You can go in and edit a cell and re-run it with Shift-ENTER.

The Kernel menu has an entry ‘Restart & Run all’, too.